Neurodivergence is a Superpower!

Society hasn’t always been the most accepting of non-conformists, posing challenges for anyone who doesn’t fit into a neat box. The good news is that there is not only increasingly more acceptance, but widespread celebration of people’s uniqueness. 

Neurodivergence is one of the traits that has become more appreciated in recent years, and rightfully so. Neurodivergence has often been misunderstood, but it’s important to recognize it as a powerful strength. 

Children who experience the world through a neurodivergent lens bring unique perspectives, creativity, and problem-solving abilities to the table. 

As parents, fostering an environment where your child’s neurodivergence is celebrated can make a profound difference. Encourage them to explore their interests, provide opportunities that play to their strengths, and always validate their experiences. Embrace their individuality and show them that being different is something to be proud of.

Being A-Typical in a Typical Society

Society is full of helpful rules and structure that allow us to get by with relative ease and minimal chaos, but the truth is that these systems are not built with everyone in mind. 

Neurodivergent individuals are unique in their approach to life, and so it can be challenging for them to navigate in the traditional flow of societal norms.

For parents of neurodivergent children, this often means your child may face additional hurdles in everyday activities and institutional systems. 

Whether it’s in the classroom, at social events, or in other public spaces, your child might encounter obstacles that are not immediately obvious to others. 

As a parent, you can play a key role in advocating for necessary changes and accommodations. Work to create an inclusive environment both at home and in the community. Your support can help bridge the gap between your child’s needs and the systems they navigate.

How Neurodivergence is Changing the World 

When you think of modern change-makers, who comes to mind? 

Odds are, some neurodivergent individuals are the first on the list. Simone Biles, Greta Thunberg, and Steve Jobs are examples of current impactful people who are neurodivergent. 

Why is that? Well, because neurodivergence is a superpower! The same brain difference that can make typical life difficult in neurodivergence can mean excelling in specific areas. People who are neurodivergent often think outside the box and break the mold. When you don’t fit into the box of societal norms, you may just need to make your own box — a box that could change the very nature of ‘boxes’ (or society itself). 

If you have neurodivergent children, making it known that they have superpowers can combat the pervasive shame that comes with being singled out as different. Catch your children using their traits for strength, innovation, and creativity and point it out. 

Building Self-Esteem in Neurodivergent Children 

Self-confidence can go a long way in this world! Instilling a sense of confidence and self-love in your children can help set them up for success, but it can be challenging to do this with children who experience negative feedback for thinking or behaving differently. 

“Small” goals can be a big deal for children who dysregulate quickly and want to give up. Coaching neurodivergent children to pause and take pride in their everyday accomplishments builds self-esteem over time. Positive reinforcement helps them understand that their efforts are valued and that they are capable of reaching their goals. 

A long lasting form of confidence comes from within, so instead of immediately doling out praise, encourage them to acknowledge their strengths and successes. Finding interests in which a neurodivergent child feels successful can boost confidence compared to an environment such as school, where social and academic expectations can be draining. 

Building kids’ self-esteem can empower them to face challenges with confidence and resilience into adulthood.

The Power of Advocacy 

Neurodivergent children often face systems and structures that are not designed with their needs in mind. You want the best for your child, and it can be overwhelming to advocate for them in these systems, especially if you are dealing with your own neurodivergent needs. 

Parents often start with getting evaluations or working with schools to implement individualized education plans, pushing for reasonable accommodations, or dispelling myths about neurodiversity. 

As therapists, we are often the first ones to begin this process with you. At KCC, we’re here to help navigate where to begin and how to help your family figure out the balance between surviving in this world and being yourself. 

Teach your child how to advocate for themselves (and others) too! This teaches them that their needs are worth being met, and their community’s needs are worth fighting for. 

Supporting Neurodivergent Kids at School

Making sure neurodivergent kids get the academic support they need can be instrumental in their success.

Our differences are what allow us to bring unique gifts to the world, but sometimes they can make it challenging to thrive in a standardized environment. Sometimes, we all need a little extra support. 

A little mentorship can go a long way!

Neurodivergent Family Support

Having neurodivergence in your family can pose added challenges at times, but understanding how to work together in a way that plays to each individuals strengths can make a world of difference. 

Here at KCC, we have a lot of experience in supporting families who are navigating neurodivergence. Whether you or a loved one are neurodivergent, we’re always here for you! Schedule your consultation here.