The Ups & Downs of Family Time

Happy holiday season! Around this time of year is when a lot of people tend to spend the most time with their families.. which can cause mixed emotions. For some, the thought of family time alone is a huge stressor. Whether that stems from toxic patterns, real trauma, or simply frivolous frustrations, it’s a valid […]
Back to Basics: Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to understand others’ emotions and respond accordingly, and to recognize and regulate one’s own emotions as well. In recent years, society has become a lot more sensitive to people’s emotions, and more encouraging for people to openly embrace their feelings. This sort of emotional sensitivity was less normalized in […]
An Intro to Somatic Therapy

If you’ve been following us on social, then you know we’ve been diving into somatic therapy this month. Somatic therapy addresses your physical state in order to help make sense of your mental state. It revolves heavily around grounding in the present moment and tuning into your bodily sensations. Having increased awareness of our body […]
Big News + Crafting Your Story

We are thrilled to announce that we have another new therapist on board! Ali Cherry has just joined the KCC family and she’s so eager to start taking on new clients. In Ali’s own words, here is a brief intro about Ali and her approach to therapy. “I’m so excited to be part of KCC […]
Self-Care: A Friendly Reminder

We all know that self-care increases happiness, boosts energy, and improves concentration. What’s more, self-care strengthens relationships (romantic or not). It feels good and it’s good for you, so read on to remind yourself why you are going to recommit to it today. Self-care plays an important role in maintaining health and relationships by bringing […]
Big News + Fatherhood Insights

We are so excited to announce that we have a new therapist on board! Meet Aaron Severn, the newest addition to the KCC family. Aaron is a married father with two children who has lived in DC since 2002. Prior to becoming a therapist, he had a career working on Capitol Hill and then as […]